
Friday 23 January 2015

In order to IMPROVE QUALITY of EDUCATION, students need to evaluate their teachers

 Quality EDUCATION depends on the efficiency and diligence of teachers . Therefore,
 teachers must be evaluated properly to ensure that they impart training well.

students directly interact with the teachers in the classrooms, which gives them an opportunity to evaluate the behavior of their teachers. For example : whether a teacher is not good at his subject or shows partiality to some students will be noticed by students. similarly, if a teacher misbehaves in the class room, it is unlikely to be noticed by anyone other than students.

Nowadays every single person is extrovert and pragmatic,students need proper education and are not ready to sacrifice their education due to poor teaching methods that is why higher school student have the power to report about their teacher performance. As one can see the substantial competition in the education field, an individual has to give his/her 100% and it can only be happened by mutual effort of teachers and students.

As being a student, I have noticed this many times,
For instance, once i asked a question to my teacher, although i am in habit of asking many questions from my teachers if i don't able to understand that topic clearly so at that time also i have asked a question, First the teacher hesitates to speak and then she placed her book through which she was reading on the dice and came in front of me take a long breath
and started asking me question and you have to study, you have to learn ...... and stuff like that............ i think that is not required she could have tell me straight forward that she have to study and then she could explain me in a better way but the way she deal absolutely speaks that i should stay shut and never again asked any question again........ !!!!

                                                      on the contrary there is an another teacher who teaches me in my senior secondary she very hardworking, determined towards his work if at i asked a question she answers me politely and i was also able to understand the answers completely and if at all she doesn't know the answer she tell me straightforward "that i don't know or i have to search for it and I'll provide the answers tomorrow" so i think this would a better approach.

so i think In order to IMPROVE QUALITY of EDUCATION, students need to evaluate their teachers

You can teach student a lesson for a day ; But if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he/she will continue The learning process as long as he lives .

Don't SHY say HI

College life an integral part of everyone's life . As we have to Build our career, get a job after that, set our lives .... blah ... blah ... blah !!!!     Although it is not wrong but we have to use this part of our life in a much smarter way then this . So, that after completing this age we won't regret !!
                            We've all have a past. We all have a moment in life we wish we could go back and change. We all ask ourselves the same questions "what could I have done differently??" "why did I do that?" Etc. It's not that hard nowadays to look back in time and quickly remember not only the good times...but that time you wish you could back to and do it all over again. Facebook, Instagram and many more sites are quick to remind us of the past.
             Majority of us went to college to study but there should be some fun, some enjoyment, some memorable moments Etc.

But all these stuff you can't do alone you need a partner a group you need some friends ... right !!! So for that you have to say "HI".

Say "HI" to those whom you don't know
Say "HI" to those whom you like
Say "HI" to those whom you don't like
Say "HI" to your teachers
Say "HI" to your classmates
Say "HI" to those how feel shy to say HI
Build a positive attitude, Keep smiling .

 One more thing I would like to share with you all that in INDIAN colleges almost in all colleges major problems with communications I personally noticed that is :

               If a boy feels like he would have to talk to a girl ; so he has to keep many things in mind for e.g. what would his Friends think about him "that he is talking to her", "Why is he talking to her", "Whats the reason behind it", "is she also responding him", "How, What" ..... and so many absurd thought takes place in his mind and probably after these thoughts he forgets that what was the reason that he thoughts to talk to her ......... !!! and vice verse case when a girl thought to talk to his boy class fellow .

                                                 One common word used by boys to girls are "tere BHABHI hai" i mean, we are living in a society where boys and girls are equal so treat like that na.....

If a girl is sitting with a boy so everybody stares at them like anything ... and started thinking they are in a relation or what not .....

 If we remained thinking like that only then our thoughts will never get a purification and this leads to affects our communication .

 So, purify your thoughts first, all are equal, "RESPECT GIRLS"

and talking to everyone, make new friends "Don't feel shy in saying HI" and it cost nothing !!!!