
Saturday 25 April 2015

Summer v/s Winter \o/

The four seasons are like a decoration to the earth, it makes the nature more beautiful. Sometimes, people’s daily activities depend on the weather. The habits and style of life change as the seasons vary. Summer is the hottest season whereas winter is the coldest one. People will carry out their daily activities based on the weather.

The Summer

I am going to start things off with one simple fact: there is no school/college during
summer. Summer is time to be free from the stress of homework, tests and assignments,
and to relax and pursue your interests and hobbies, weather they be hanging out with
friends, exercising or exploring.

Summer reigns supreme in my mind is the fact that its warm. you could go swimming at
the beach, enjoy a picnic with family or friends - the possibilities are endless. Summer is 
just a time to have fun.
And there are a plethora of sports and activities to do: volleyball, soccer, softball and so
fort. Just about the only sport you can't play outside would be Hockey, but even then,
there are indoor rinks open in summer. And some fall sports even start in the summer,
like Football, Swimming and Diving, Cross country.


Summer is a time of good feelings to compensate for the gloom of a cold, gray winter. Especially near the end of winter, when all the snow on the sides of the road is blackened and slushy (it's simply disgusting). If you prefer the cold sting of the February air over the warmth of the July sun, I pray for your sanity. 

In the wintertime, people are forced to drive everywhere in their freezing cold cars and traverse the icy, dangerous roads. On the other hand, summer allows people to drive on safer surfaces, or walk or bike places while maintaining warmth and comfort. Personally, I enjoy biking, but everyone has their preference, from scootering to heelying.

The possibilities for a good time are seemingly endless when summer comes around — there's so much to do and so many people to see.

In summer, because the weather is so hot, people would prefer to eat cold food like ice-cream to keep them cold.

The Cold

Cold weather is much cooler(pun intended) than hot weather.
First, let's discuss sports. Maybe you can play more sports in the summer, but you can play almost all of those sports in the winter. Just throw on a sweater or play indoors if you can't handle the cold. You can't play most winter sports during the summer, though. Have you ever gone skiing in July? I didn't think so. And after all, winter is the prime time for hockey season, Edina's strong suit. 

Drinking hot chocolate is a great treat in the cold winter months. Holding a warm mug when it's cold outside is the epitome of comfort. In addition to that, when it's cold out, it's an amazing opportunity to use the your-hand-looks-cold-want-me-to-warm it maneuver on a certain someone.  

You can also have the best conversations with people during the winter because there's not much to look at except sexy Christmas sweaters and the other person's face! During the summer you can see much more of stuff that you may or may not want to see, like skin, hair, and toenails. It's also harder to maintain a conversation because of all that pent-up contempt you have for people more tan than you.
Okay, I do admit that winter is a season mostly dominated by school whereas summer is a season without school, but why is that bad? There are good parts of school, like being able to see your friends at least five times a week, and school makes the weekends and breaks just that much sweeter and more valuable. Also during the winter, there are some very fun school organized events: dances. Although many people don't attend, they're great opportunities to relax, have a good time with your friends, and forget the stress of school.

Finally, winter trumps summer because we're happy to see the season pass. It lasts so long and makes you question your sanity. When it finally leaves, everyone is relieved. When summer ends, on the other hand, everyone is sad and regrets all the things they didn't accomplish that year. Summer sets you up for disappointment, while winter sets you up for so much more.

Which is better then ?

Summer is better then winter. With out a doubt.

Summer is better then winter because in winter people always slide on roads and get hurt. Also in winter people get trapped somewhere because of the snow. Another problem with snow is people don't know when it is going to stop snowing. I also feel that summer is better because days are longer so people get to work and make money while kids go to school and get smarter.

Helps Drinking of water

Summer is so much better then winter for health reasons because it is generally hotter in winter so people drink water more. Water is very important to thousands of chemical processes that are in your body cells to help it to function. Some of them are helping digestion, keeping your body temperature right, helping the health of your skin and flushing toxins from your body. Also, in the summer months we are more tempted to drink enough which is a recommended two litres of water a day needed for optimum health. The more fluid your body loses the more {2}you need to drink, so take regular sips of water throughout the day. Limit tea, coffee and cola drinks to three a day.

Winter is better.

Why? Many reasons, such as the fact that you can only take off so much clothing during the summer, unless at a nude beach. If not, you have to walk around wearing something. During the winter, if you want to get warmer, it's simple. Layer, layer and, oh yeah. Layer. Winter also brings Christmas Time, and who doesn't like that? Also, the days are shorter which means more sleep and less time working during the day. Who doesn't like Christmas, sleep, and wearing cuddly sweaters?

Winter is when most professional sports are.

Most of the major sport leagues (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB) have a majority of there season in winter. MLB has half of it season in summer but the world series is in winter. The super bowl is in winter. The NBA finals are in winter/spring. NHL playoffs are in spring but just about all of their games are in winter. Life is better when sports are on. In winter you go in your room with a blanket a hot chocolate and turn on the radio and listen to a baseball game. You can snuggle up on the couch and turn on the tv. Watch some sports on their. The only thing that is more boring in winter then summer is the olymmpics but that is an exception because it is every 2 years. To summarize every thing sports are more plentiful in winter.

Winter is obviously superior.

Imagine this, it's winter, you're cold, what do you do? You put on more clothes!
Now imagine this, it's summer, 100 degrees outside, you're almost naked but you're still on fire, what do you do? Nothing you can do. You're going to melt and there's nothing you can do about it.

Tell Yours :P

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